Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Body Of War" - Cowardly Congress-Spineless Senate 3 of 7

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Interview Part 3 of 7
Q & A with Phil Donahue
View it, in its entirety, at:
Read the transcript of the interview at:
Also check the interview with the suave, urbane and articulate Dr. Hans Blix, maliciously maligned by the Bush administration, politely answer all questions on his NOT finding any WMD:

Washington, District of Columbia (United States)

-Brian Lamb: - Chief Honcho at C-SPAN.
-Phil Donahue: Renown Talk-Show Host; exiled for being skeptical, Executive Producer, Co-Director of "Body Of War".
-Tomas Young: Honorably discharged Iraqi Invasion Veteran, T-4 Quadriplegic; Cenral character of this heart-wrenching documentary.
-Ellen Spiro: Award winning Director and Educator.
-Phillip Schopper: Documentary editor.
-Bernadine Colish: "..assembled the whole thing for us."
-Cathy Smith: Tomas Young's mother; Stalward physical/emotional/psychological supporter, tireless worker, and nurturer; with another son in Iraq.
-Brie Young: Ex-wife of Tomas Young, also loving, affectionate, reduced to acting mainly as a servant.
-Cindy Sheehan: Well known anti-war activist.
Phil Donahue
Co-Director & Executive Producer

SEN. ROBERT BYRD, D-WEST VIRGINIA: And in the name of the people of this country, in the name of the young men and women whose lives may be put on the line ...
TINSLEY: Mr. Ensign, aye.
Mr. Enzi, aye.
SEN. BYRD: ... by the decision that this Senate will make is too weightening (ph), it is too far-reaching. And it's only fair to the people of America who are going to be asked to give -- in some instances everything that they've got, everything they have -- if a war ensues.
And I tell you, my friends. I don't want that on my conscience. Not I.
LAMB: Go back to the erectile dysfunction part. You know that there are people watching and saying, Phil Donahue is just appealing, you know, to the -- I don't know how to characterize it. Why did you have to go there, is what they're saying.
DONAHUE: Because I think, first of all, everybody who enlists in the Army thinks they might come home dead. Nobody thinks of coming home like this.
And I am sorry if people wince when they see that very personal scene. But I think more and more people ought to be wincing at the casualties from this war.
The people who aren't wincing are the people who can't see the coffins coming home draped in the American flag. They can't see that, because the administration has prohibited the photographing of these coffins.
By the way, the administration says you can't photograph this, and the entire mainstream establishment media in America said, OK. There's been no pushback here.
I'm hardly the first person to make this point. I'm not claiming original arguments here, but this is the most sanitized.
I mean, we're naming our invasion "shock and awe?" This is the White House Iraq Group, WHIG. These are the advertising agency warriors who name our -- "Rolling Thunder." They were the ones who wrote these talking points, the ones we just saw.
And, I mean, you can't believe how superficial these are. I mean, this was the debate -- by the way, an unconstitutional debate. This Congress did not vote up or down. Don't bother them with Article 1, Section 8, as demanded by the Framers.
What they do is say, "Here, Mr. President. If you think you have to, here's permission." Then if he goes and it doesn't work, they're able to say, "Well, wait a minute." CYA -- cover your butt. That's what they've done.
LAMB: Do you think, though -- or I'll ask you what you think. Most of the people responding after that on the floor were Republicans.
Do you think those people were insincere? Do you think they were lying? Do you think -- I mean, they're characterized ...
DONAHUE: No, I think they were -- I think they were caught up in the heavy breathing. They were caught up in a belief that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, even though all they had to do was go to the Intelligence Committee, and they would have told them, "Well, wait. We're not sure. Let's let the U.N. finish its job."
No, I don't think they all had a meeting and say let's, you know, let's -- they wanted to -- Pete Stark says in our film, from the floor of the House, "This president wants blood. He wants to go to war."
And that's the fact of it. We had -- he swaggered before the cameras. "Bring it on." Every time I see Tomas Young I think, "Bring it on."
You know, you see a young man in a wheelchair. You think, "Oh, poor guy. He can't walk." He can't do a lot of things. He can't cough. I mean, it just -- the more you -- the closer you get to this, the more it blows you back.

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